Tuesday, July 5, 2011

CM Punk beating John Cena?

If you guys have been keeping up with what's going on in the wrestling world, or maybe you are just reading this to catch up, the big news revolves around CM Punk and his contract expiring the next few weeks.

A couple of weeks back, CM Punk, number one contended for the WWE Championship, revealed to the WWE Universe that his contract with the company was set to expire after the next ppv, Money in the Bank. He then vowed that he would beat John Cena and take the WWE Championship with it. So where's the controversy...

Here it is...

CM Punk has been quite vocal about the views of the company. He has said he one of the best wrestlers in the business yet he is not featured enough throughout the company, which he has a point. He is also tried will all the politics that go behind the scenes and wants out (most of this said in his rant, which can be seen a couple of post back).

So long story short, this all leads to being 'suspended' by Vince McMahon but then being 'reinstated' on yesterday's edition of Monday Night Raw, all because Cena insisted be would beat Punk and not let any of that happen. Of course McMahon countered with: if Cena loses he is 'fired' from the company.

Now to the point, or first point of this blog.

I think anyone with half a brain can clearly see that Cena is going to win. Chances are Punk is done with the company for good. There is no way that McMahon would let Punk walk out with the championship if he was going to leave for good. We have already seen this episode before, just ask Bret Hart.

But what happens if Punk decides to stay with the company, then what? Well if he is going to stay with the company, he only has a few days to sign the contract. And also the writers of the show have to get something together to make this storyline work, hopefully. But chances are this will not happen, so he can bypass all of this.

But the main point is the company has to do something to re-brand itself. Batista left because he didn't like the way the company was headed. Chavo Guerrero asked to be released a couple of weeks ago. McMahon wants to be surrounded with 'yes' people. He doesn't want to bump heads with others and fight to get his way. He wants people who will do what they are told. And that's not right. It's okay when new superstars or 'entertainers' first start. But once they get their feet wet, they should have a say in what they do. They earned it.

The WWE has to start making small/minor tweaks in the company. If they don't they will start losing more superstars or worst, the fans that make the WWE a multi-million dollar business for Vincent Kennedy McMahon.

-Christopher J. Valverde

Follow me on Twitter: @xfactor7806

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